December 29, 2022

2023: We Need Movies about Masculinity

I’m worried about Indiana Jones 5. Ever since the Evil Mouse acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, producer and star destroyer Kathleen Kennedy has been wanting to make some, say, changes to the franchise. She’s the one who claimed that The Force is Female. Give me a break. 

I can only imagine her looking over the screenwriter’s shoulder, saying: “What’s that man doing? Is he succeeding? He seems a little toxic to me. Hm. We need to make him look like a fool and have the woman next to him do whatever he’s doing better and then explain it to him.” 

Been there. Done that. Thank  you, Ghostbusters (2016), Ocean's 8 (2018), Men in Black: International (2019), Charlie's Angels (2019), Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), Captain Marvel (2019), The Hustle (2019), Birds of Prey (2020), James Bond (2021).

We need movies about masculinity. Movies that deal with masculinity in a positive light. ("What?? No!") Movies that don’t rewrite history. Movies that don’t turn men into violent idiots or women into victims. No soy latte. No grown men on plug-in skateboards.

There, I said it. 

Let’s call it my wish for the year 2023. 

Or is that asking too much? 


* * *

That Evil Mouse


  1. But what is masculinity, oh Mandy, oh Randy? Is someone a less man if he bakes cakes instead of chopping wood and playing football?

    1. I'm not going to give you a definition. What I mean is that tough guys in movies and in real life are being portrayed as toxic and plain wrong. That has to stop. I know for a fact that Rambo bakes cakes, so that's not an issue.

    2. Well, they are portrayed like that by the toxic feminazzis who usually hate everything. But on the other hand there is nothing wrong with the line between men and women being erased as gender divisions cause pain and suffering to way too many people as do all other kinds of divisions. But it is difficult to understand if one is not the victim of it.

    3. I so hate those lines being erased but I'm all for everyone having their own opinion. The way I see it, people are narcissistic and have way too much time to think about me, me, me. But I'm a blue guy, so what do you expect. I'm basing all this on my own experience, is all.

      May 23 be a good one and hide everybody's true color.

    4. I feel people have become so obsessed with themselves that they think they can do whatever they want. Well, I tell them be my guest, but keep me out of it. The way I see it, a bird is a bird, a car is a car, a man is a man, a woman is a woman, whether they're straight or gay. Young men have become scared and insecure because of some nonsensical guilt trip. That has to stop. Whatever those toxic feminazis have been saying, it clearly worked. That sh rubbed off on a lot of men.

  2. Well said, Blue. Some want to erase the lines so there are no more men and women.

  3. Years ago they made good movies. Men were Rambo type, ass kicking, good guys. Nothing wrong with that. What I don't like about a lot of movies these days is redoing a movie just so it can be more politically correct and have an ass kicking female lead where their used to be a male lead. Just make an entire new movie instead of ruining a good movie by making it again.

    1. What I don't like about a lot of movies these days is redoing a movie just so it can be more politically correct and have an ass kicking female lead where their used to be a male lead. Just make an entire new movie instead of ruining a good movie by making it again...

      I couldn't agree more, Mary.

  4. Or is that asking too much?
    Certainly not
    Life is such
    A balanced view is sought

    A he-man baking cakes?
    Not entirely sinful
    In reality not a fake
    Just make it believable and beautiful

    Thanks for dropping in, Blue.
    Things have been good
    It's great and it's true
    Leading into 2023 with a good mood!


    1. Hank is number one
      Always having fun
      Rhyming away at his bay
      That guy is here to stay
      Yes, balance we seek
      Unlike the mild and meek
      May as well jump into a creek
      As I here them speak
      Emulating the girls in town
      Looking like a lost clown
      Insecure and eager to please
      Like a mouse to cheese
      Like a moth to a flame
      Now who's to blame?
      Men want to be boys
      Craving toys
      Responsibility? What's that?
      I'd rather be a rhyming cat
      Anyway, 2023 come a-knocking
      Time to start rocking.

      Happy New Year, Hank!
      The one and only Poetry Tank

  5. It’s mentally exhausting anymore, n’est-ce pas? I can’t keep track of how I’m supposed to address people (husband, man, partner, they/them), let alone socially appropriate roles in make believe land. I guess I’ll just social distance myself from Hollywood and spend my money elsewhere.

    1. My point exactly. My colleague was reprimanded for saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, the university building is about to close...." I've distanced myself from Hollywood a while ago. Hypocrits pushing an agenda they know is best for all of us. They can go sit on a stick and whistle.

      Happy New Year, Bijoux


  6. Happy New Year Blue from True!

    Hopefully 2023 will bring new scripts
    no need for old tales from the crypt
    lets write an adventure about two fools
    that were always bending the rules
    no treasure map could save these two
    Blue forever searching for his lost shoe
    and True never knowing what to do…

    1. Happy New Year, True
      May 23 fit like a beautiful shoe
      May find what we're looking for
      At our True blue shore.

  7. I didn't even know there was going to be an Indiana Jones 5. Wow! I think they need to retire that series. Hope you have a wonderful 2023 and that you get your wish for movies that celebrate men's masculinity.

    1. I couldn't believe it myself. They should've stopped after part 3. Part 5: The Search For More Money. Well, we'll see.

      Happy New Year, Sherry. May it be a better one.


  8. I'm so over every man being vilified just for being a man. Why can't we celebrate that all people are different? Not every man needs to be an ass kicking hero and not every woman needs to be a damsel in distress. We don't need to remake movies just to prove that woman can be strong and independent. As a female, I kind of find that insulting that I need Hollywood to explain to me that women are just as capable as men as handling business. I know I'm a badass on my own, thank you.

    1. I don't know why we can't celebrate that all people are different. I've been a university professor for 25 years and I've noticed my male student behaving more like women in the way they communicate. No idea why.

      "As a female, I kind of find that insulting that I need Hollywood to explain to me that women are just as capable as men as handling business." Well said, Theresa. Well said.

  9. Hope you had Happy Holidays, Blue.

    1. It was the best one in years, Sandra. I still can't believe it.
