February 23, 2023

Roald Dahl, Beware the Morally Superior

How would you feel if the world’s most famous paintings were altered by the woke brigade? “Let turn this white woman into a Chinese lady and this white guy into an Afro-American non-binary person who wants to be a robot wearing diapers. And while you’re at it, rewrite Roald Dahl’s books.” 

Morons aplenty. The world has become such a farce. Write your own books. Write your own stories. Defile that which is yours, o you narcissists. Create your own woke characters if you feel the need to include every frigging person on the planet lest you can’t sleep. 

No, Blue, don’t get upset now, because... “the changes in Dahl’s children’s books were done in partnership with Inclusive Minds, a collective for people who are passionate about inclusion, diversity and accessibility in children’s literature,” according to the Roald Dahl Story Co

See how they’re manipulating you? The phrase in partnership with has such a positive not to mention professional ring to it. And a collective for people who are passionate? Sounds very upbeat, indeed. But still wrong. Ask Mr. Dahl how he feels about his work being rewriten. 

Don't touch other people's art. 
Look the other way if you can't handle it. 
Go sit in a fridge if non-inclusive makes you melt.

No, Blue. Here’s an idea. Why don’t we rewrite the works of both Shakespeare and Mark Twain? They need a bit of tweaking. In fact, why don’t we rewrite ALL non-inclusive books? We, the morally superior, feel we have the right to rewrite history and show how it’s done. Hey, how dare you, Japanese writers, not include little blue men or innocent white children?! Attica! Attica! 

Excuse me while I go and feel offended about Mount Rushmore. Anyone interested in bringing a chisel?


P.S. Pop quiz: What job did Winston Smith have in 1984? That's right, he rewrote history to push an agenda.

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  1. A horrible crime, isn't it? When will the insanity end? I guess when we have completely erased our past.

  2. It's bloody ridiculous. Sometimes, when watching the news in my kitchen whilst making a lovely cup of tea, I have to turn around to see if what I just heard is true and I haven't been captured and dropped into some insane planet. I don't even know how to get mad about this because it surpasses absurdity.

    6080 Smith Jules

    1. Did we stop paying attention whilst being whipped into submission? I don't know, Blue. There must be a breaking point coming, right?

    2. The power of those who speak up: they've decided not to alter the texts. Here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-64759118.amp

  3. Charlie and the Cocaine Factory

  4. I was mortified and shocked when I heard it earlier this week. For us in publishing industry not changing the original is a sacred law. Roald was a bitch sometimes, probably more often than not, but still.... Who da phook gives you moral right to change a work of a proven genius? I'd like to put that publisher in boiling tar and feathers.

  5. Disturbing to say the least. Nothing can escape the Thought Police. My son’s favorite author as a child was Dahl. I’ll have to ask how he feels about that, as a Millennial.

    1. They've decided to listen to the millions of people who complained and not change Dahl's stories. It goes to show that people need to speak up.

  6. I loved Dahl's books when I was little. I hadn't heard about anyone wanting to change his works to be more inclusive, but it sounds absolutely ridiculous. You don't change art, especially not to fit your agenda. I agree. Write your own damn stories if the ones out now aren't giving you what you need. See a need, fill a need, right? Not shit all over work that has been around for ages.

    1. Well said, Theresa. As always. Well, they've decided to listen to the millions of people who complained and not change Dahl's stories. It goes to show that people need to speak up. It does pay off.

  7. I heard a little about this on Twitter and I just think it's nits to try and change something now. Don't like it, don't read it. Don't like a painting, don't look at it. Stop trying to change everything to suit the few people that are bothered by it.

    1. That's right.... don't like it, don't read it. It's narcissism - wanting the whole world, history included, to reflect who you are. It's narcissism 101.

      Hi Mary.

  8. Just dropping by to say Hello Blue! ItsTrue

  9. Hey Blue it's been a while! Happy to find you here again! Should I return? It's been 3 long years - I've forgotten how to write and have become so much less interesting. Arrgh. Oh yes, all these rewriting ... sacrilegious!

    1. That's a no-brainer, Jaya J. Return! Even if only once a month (like um... me). Your voiced is being missed. No, you have not forgotten how to write.

    2. I'll give it a try! Post is up :)

  10. Society blurs lines a lot lately. Or maybe not just lately, maybe I've just started to notice in the last ten years or so.
