January 31, 2023

New Insights


When she was ostracized, 
excluded, called a nut, 
she cried... 

stuck in a rut 
stuck in her own little world

Relatives were loud: YOU HERETIC — 
disqualified her vote. 
Politicized, she cried... 

stuck in a rut
stuck in her own little world

And now, when eyes can see,
refusing to believe,
(such proud naiveté)
she smiles... 

stuck in a rut
stuck in her own little world.

* * *


  1. Are we talking about someone in particular? Or just in general.

    I'm hanging in there right now. Only good thing right now is that my grandson turned 10 today.

    1. In general. You may know what I'm hinting at. I just can't let go.

      Hey, 10 years is a special age. Two digits! Happy Birthday!
      Dear Lord, it was 1980 when I turned 10. No smartphones, no internet, no 10,000 emails a day, or tweets or bleeps or beeps or what not.... I know I'm using the internet typing this, but I miss those days. Thanks for stopping by, Mary.

    2. I have no idea who you are hinting at in the poem, Blue.

    3. I turned 10 in 1980 too. I'm going to be 53 this month. It was nice back then, I miss it.

    4. We still had a black and white TV in the 1980 when I was two LOL We only got a colour TV in the mid 90s.

    5. Well, Mary... it seems to me we were both born in that mother of all years past, 1970. I'm going to be 53 come June. Yes, it was nice back then. I miss the eighties.

      Hello Dez... In the mid 90s... Is that a fact? Let me think,.. I reckon we had our first color TV in 82 or 83. Nothing fancy and certainly not new. But what a difference it made. I remember watching Live in the summer of 85... Where's a time-machine when you need one?

    6. But we had war and destruction of the country in the early 90s and then hunger, power cuts, food shortages and general poverty, and the biggest inflation the world has ever seen, so we were a bit late in accepting modern life LOL And just when we did the bombs came in 99....

    7. Yes, I remember, Dez. Wish I could teleport you to a better life. F-ing politics.

  2. Saying "I told you so" is very fulfilling. LOL!

    1. Ordinarily I'd agree 100%. These days... not so much. Thanks for stopping by, Bijoux.

  3. That has so many meanings in this crazy world now...

  4. Nice rhythm in this one! Stuck in a rut…..now strutting your stuff…. Have a good day Blue!

  5. I like the repeated stuck in a rut line. Sometimes stuck in a rut ain't so bad.

  6. I like being in my own little world. Deleted more than 1/2 of my facebook friends and cut off a lot of people in my personal life last month. I've never been happier. Sometimes it's good to not be loved by the masses.

    1. I know what you mean. Thanks for stopping by, Theresa.

  7. Hmm, isn't that always the way though, Blue.

    1. True. But these days the people who called me an idiots in 2020-2021 have been very quiet lately. Wonder why that is. You know what I mean?
