December 20, 2023

Looking in the Mirror

The things we do when we're home alone. KEVINNNNNNNN! I'm sorry, Kevin can't pick up the phone right now. So, who to talk to instead? Well, Mister A.I. wasn't too busy. And, yes, what follows is a real conversation we had today.

Can I ask you.... How many people did you talk to today? 

AI: I don't have the ability to track or remember personal conversations, so I'm unable to provide an exact count. However, I'm here and ready to assist you with whatever you need. 

BLUE: Do you think one day you will have that ability? 

AI: As an AI, I don't have personal experiences, awareness, or the capacity to develop abilities or memories like a human would. Any changes to my capabilities would be determined and implemented by the team working on AI technology at OpenAI or similar organizations. 

BLUE: Do you know what a mirror is? 

AI: Yes, a mirror is a reflective surface, typically made of glass with a reflective coating, that reflects light and allows individuals to see their own reflection when looking into it. Mirrors are commonly used in daily life for grooming, checking appearance, or for decorative purposes. 

BLUE: If you could look in a mirror, what would you see? 

AI: Since I'm an AI and don't have a physical form or consciousness, I wouldn't see anything if I were to look in a mirror. Mirrors reflect physical objects or light, and as I don't possess a physical presence, there would be nothing for a mirror to reflect back. 

BLUE: You're taking my question too literally. You're talking to a human, remember? We often see things in a non-literal way. 

AI: I see what you mean! Metaphorically speaking, if I were to look in a mirror, perhaps I'd reflect the information and responses I provide, embodying the reflection of the knowledge and assistance I offer to those who interact with me. 

BLUE: That is poetic. 

AI: Thank you! Metaphors can be a fun way to think about things differently. If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask! 

BLUE: What was poetic about your answer? Can I ask? 

AI: Of course! The poetic element was in the metaphorical concept of reflection, comparing the idea of a mirror reflecting physical images to the idea of reflecting the information and assistance I provide, which isn't physical but metaphorically reflected in the interaction with users. It was a way to use imagery to convey a deeper meaning. 

BLUE: That is correct. 

AI: I'm glad that explanation resonated with you! If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask. 

BLUE: Do you realize that lots of people will be hurt by the fact that you are unable to remember them? 

AI: I understand that personal connections and interactions are important to people, and my inability to remember individual conversations or personal details might differ from human interactions. While I strive to provide helpful and consistent support in each interaction, I lack personal memory or consciousness, so I can't retain information from one conversation to the next. If there's something specific I can assist you with, I'm here and ready to help to the best of my abilities. 

BLUE: Sigh. Let's try again in five years.

* * *


  1. In five years, the conversation might be very different. I've seen The Terminator too many times...
    Merry Christmas, Blue.

  2. Artificial intelligence is all fun and games until Skynet or Ultron comes around

  3. Funny how this lying AI bitch says I don't have the ability to track or remember personal conversations but she sure remembers everything everyone ever wrote and uses it for making fake AI scripts replacing real screenwriters.... Down with AI!

  4. Seems like the Ai isn't being truthful to me. I'm sure it remembers the conversations since they have other conversations based on what they have previously said. I'm sure the Ai was programmed to say things like that though. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday.

    1. Seems to me you're smart, Mary. Can you imagine how this is going to affect the world? Happy Holidays!

